Say Goodbye to Skin Rash with the Menstrual Cup

Say Goodbye to Skin Rash with the Menstrual Cup

Menstruation is a natural phenomenon that occurs in females who are in the reproductive phase of their life. It is really important to maintain personal hygiene during periods. Many women are switching to menstrual cups from pads and tampons for the sake of personal hygiene and comfort. Menstrual cup once folded and inserted inside the vagina opens up and forms a seal around the walls of the vagina which prevents blood from flowing out. After 10 to 12 hours the period cup can be taken out and emptied. It can be washed and immediately put back. It is really easy to buy a menstrual cup online in India.

Menstrual cups, also known as the period cup, has many advantages over tampons and pads. Many women suffer from vaginal infections due to the frequent use of pads and tampons. The tampons and pads absorb good bacteria hence making the vagina dry. This good bacteria, existing naturally in the vagina, helps in preventing many vaginal infections. On the other hand, menstrual cups form a seal against the wall of the vagina to collect blood leaving good bacteria to prevent vaginal infections.

The skin rash in the vaginal and thigh area is a common problem of women who use sanitary pads. The continuous friction in the skin and sanitary pads leads o redness and itchiness. The use of menstrual cups eliminates any chances of friction. In fact, women who use best period cup in India, don’t even feel the presence of a menstrual cup in their body during periods.

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