Girlfriend’s Guide to the hassle-free world of menstrual cups

Girlfriend’s Guide to the hassle-free world of menstrual cups

We live in a world of variety and choices. For one problem there is a hundred and one solutions. The tricky part then is choosing the right solution that matches you. Female hygiene therefore is no more limited to the plastic chemical laden sanitary napkins, now there are a whole range of products from intimate washes to menstrual cups.

The menstrual cup is the perfect replacement of the toxic sanitary napkin but there are certain things that need to be kept in mind while making the switch from pads to cups.

First and foremost is to understand what actually is a menstrual cup and how does it operate. As the name suggests it is a cup shaped silicone apparatus that is inserted in the cervix to collect the discharge. The funnel shape and flexibility a lot of it to be inserted and removed with much ease.

The best thing is that after removing is doesn’t need to be thrown since it reusable and can last for years. The most important thing to remember year is that it needs to be washed religiously and even sterilized after a period cycle. The menstrual cups in India are made of 100 percent medical grade therefore it is now risk to the health of the woman.

The most important thing to remember while choosing a menstrual cup is to find your fit. All bodies are not the same so what might be appropriate for another may bit be the one for you. Make an informed decision, chose the correct size and the one that suits your needs.

Keep these things in mind and see how your period will no more an experience through the fires of hell but a gentle walk in the park.

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