Don’t let the fear of change hold you back from performing your responsibility towards yourself and nature

Don’t let the fear of change hold you back from performing your responsibility towards yourself and nature

Switching from one product to another may a daunting experience, because let’s face it no body likes change even though it maybe for the good of the individual. For a woman the female hygiene is a very delicate area and the anxiety of switching hygiene products is 10 times more than average.

Even though the menstrual Cup seems to have much more pros than a pad or a tampon, many women are still hesitating to make the change. And one probable cause if this hesitation is how to actually use a menstrual Cup.

It may look daunting but the use of the menstrual Cup is fairly easy. The funnel shaped device is made up of medical grade silicone that is designed to be inserted and not harm the skin. The best period cup in India, Elacup comes with a carefully demonstrated instruction manual.

To insert the cup one has to place their finger on the edge of the cup and push it down towards the centre of the cup which creates a triangular shape just like a tampon, which can be easily inserted in the cervix. One has to keep in mind not to panic and relax the muscles. If the muscles are tensed the application will be painful and not correct so the key is to remain calm.

The menstrual Cup gives you all benefits in one leak proof, comfortable, cost efficient package. One of reasons why so many women across the globe have switched to this innovation. Stop living in fear and make the leap to something much bigger and better.

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