Be the change, and switch to a menstrual Cup that will not only keep you healthy but the planet too

Be the change, and switch to a menstrual Cup that will not only keep you healthy but the planet too

Menstruation is the woman’s most vulnerable time and in such a time she shouldn’t be stressed about leakage and skin rashes. To put this behind you, leave  the age-old sanitary napkin and utilize the menstrual Cup, which is born straight from ela, the Earth. elacup, a premier menstrual Cup in India aims at making this change a less daunting and a more liberating period.

By changing to a menstrual Cup you will not only be helping yourself but even contribute to the betterment of mother Earth’s deteriorating health. Studies have shown that one sanitary pad could take from 500 to 800 years to decompose as the plastic used is not biodegradable, and can lead to health and environmental hazards. Unlike this the Menstrual Cup change be reused therefore reducing wastage and contributing to a more sustainable world. Even though the medical grade silicone used for the menstrual Cup  takes a lot of time to be composted, it is not a hazardous waste material to aquatic or soil organisms. If you have used your menstrual Cup for a long time and have decided to switch to a new one, the old one can easily be donated to several organizations where it would be used for another purpose.

So without further adieu, take a step in the direction towards sustainability and be filled with a sense of responsibility that you have done your part in helping our planet.

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